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In April of 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” a response to the clergymen who had criticized his demonstrations against segregation that resulted in his imprisonment. Just four months later, on August 28, 1963, King delivered the speech heard around the world, providing his vision of our future—a dream where all people are equal and evaluated on the content of character and never on the color of their skin.

Every year, we remember King and his compelling vision, and this year it feels more important than ever. As our CEO Francis deSouza去年夏天写道在乔治·弗洛伊德的死之后,“我们必须用知识,仇恨与爱情的仇恨,与平等行为的自满情绪。”

King spoke on similar topics from that Birmingham jail cell almost 60 years ago. In his letter, he instructed us not only on the imperative to move forward but how to move forward, and he very clearly reminded us that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

那么我们怎样才能在实现国王的梦想中发挥作用?我们确定需要更改的内容并一起工作。我们反映,我们服务,我们考虑如何产生差异。为了展示我们对这项工作的承诺并识别国王的贡献,Illumina提供Martin Luther King Jr.作为我们美国员工的付费公司假期。我们还通过对话,几乎志愿和捐赠给支持国王愿景精神的组织,策划了员工及其家人的资源清单,以纪念国王,并适用于公司匹配的公司。回馈是我们在illumina的DNA中 - 庆祝所有希望的国王,这个特殊的日子让我们有机会回馈和转向行动。