Genomics can deliver great benefits to aquacultural breeding programs, including efficient management of diversity and inbreeding, accurate parentage assignment, optimal mating designs, improved breeding value prediction, selection decisions, and breeding strategies. Using the appropriate platform for the population of interest is critical. It is often expected that optimal results require a customized tool with a higher level of initial investment and larger ongoing costs. However, it is possible to keep costs reasonable with optimal outcomes through the creation or use of a collaboratively designed universal genotyping platform.
使用各种群体创建特定物种的协作基因分型解决方案,以确保包含具有广泛效用的核心标记集的设计以及捕获特定人口特征的标记。该设计还提供了捕获与关键特征相关的发布标记的能力。许多行业各方可以通过使用此类平台来利用,创建样本量以保持成本合理和实现易于比较和评估的结果和结果。随着平台更新和改进,益处流向所有用户。这种方法的一个成功示例在畜牧业领域,其中广泛使用的,协作设计的Illumina Bovinesnp50珠芯片阵列允许许多基因组应用的高通量,具有成本效益的遗传筛查 - 包括乳制品和牛肉行业的基因组选择 - 包括基因组选择。该概念的最近扩展已被部署为Geneseek基因组分布器(GGPS)阵列。随着时间的推移,更新的内容可以利用与新工具和资源可用的物种基因组结构的连续发展知识库。
在这次谈判中,水产养殖技术中心基因组学和育种和育种主任Klara Verbyla博士将讨论利用这种方法对水产养殖物种的益处,如最近创造了协作基因分型的举例平台L. vannameishrimp designed using samples from 11 populations. Verbyla will discuss the design of the array, validating the array’s results, achieving maximal benefit from such an array, and the economic impacts of creating and using such genotyping platforms.
Klara Verbyla, PhD
Director, Genomics & Breeding and Vice President, Genetics