ScreeningIn VitroEmbryos Using PGS (PGT-A) Research

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), also known as preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A), determines the chromosomal status of an embryo by screening all 23 chromosome pairs, providing valuable insights to researchers studying IVF.

IVF failure can sometimes be due to embryo aneuploidy - embryos with an abnormal number of chromosomes.1,2Aneuploidy can occur in any embryo; however, the chances increase with maternal age.3,4

Leading the way: advantages to adding PGS

A Brief History of PGS


Preimplantation genetic screening was originally performed using fluorescencein situhybridization (FISH). Because FISH does not screen all 24 chromosomes, its efficacy and accuracy for detecting euploid embryos is limited.


New technologies were developed and applied to PGS. Array-based technology facilitated screening of all 24 chromosomes in the embryo, significantly improving PGS.

Next-Generation Sequencing

NGS, the latest technological breakthrough, is setting a new standard in PGS. NGS offers reliable PGS results, streamlined workflows, higher throughput capabilities, and customizable assays for easy portfolio expansion.

How Preimplantation Genetic Screening Works

Following ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval, a single or a few cells are biopsied from thein vitroembryo.

In vitroembryos are screened for aneuploidy.

After fertilized oocytes are retrieved, a single or few cells are removed from thein vitroembryo through a biopsy. The cell or cells are analyzed for their aneuploidy status by screening all 24 chromosomes.

Preimplantation genetic screening can be performed using next-generation sequencing, the latest technological innovation, or an array-based method.

Higher Pregnancy Rate with PGS
Genomics and PGS

Dr. Nathan Treff discusses the technology behind preimplantation genetic screening.

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VeriSeq PGS Kit

The VeriSeq PGS Kit takes advantage of next-generation sequencing technology to provide comprehensive, accurate screening of all 24 chromosomes. NGS offers the opportunity for improved assay workflow, higher throughput, and enhanced performance over array-based PGS.1

MiSeq System

使用MiSeq执行快速筛查非整倍性System. Multiplex up to 24 samples per run. The on-instrument software performs secondary analysis of the sequencing data, demultiplexing and aligning the reads to the reference genome. BAM files from the MiSeq System are imported directly into the BlueFuse Multi Analysis Software using the prepared sample sheet.

BlueFuse Multi Analysis Software

BlueFuse software provides molecular cytogenetic and genetic information obtained from the biopsiedin vitroembryos, analyzed in a single framework. It offers a clear, intuitive user interface, a common workflow, and scales for the needs of your lab. This widely-implemented software is used in the majority of laboratories performing PGS.


This technique is used to assess the likelihood of an embryo carrying a gene mutation that may be linked to an inherited genetic disorder.


Together, NGS and microarrays enable cytogenomic analysis of chromosome aberrations for constitutional and cancer research.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.OrgWebsite. Accessed March 11, 2016.
  2. Scott RT, Ferry K, Su J, Tao X, Scott K, Treff NR. Comprehensive chromosome screening is highly predictive of the reproductive potential of human embryos: a prospective, blinded, nonselection study. Fertil Steril. 2012;97(4):870-875.
  3. Ata B, Kaplan B, Danzer H, et al. Array CGH analysis shows that aneuploidy is not related to the number of embryos generated. Reprod Biomed Online. 2012;24:614–620.
  4. Harton GL, Munne S, Surrey M, et al. Diminished effect of maternal age on implantation after preimplantation genetic diagnosis with array comparative genomic hybridization. Fertil Steril. 2013;100(6):1695–1703.