TruSight Myeloid Sequencing Panel Contents & Storage

TruSight Myeloid Sequencing Panel

The TruSight Myeloid Sequencing Panel contains the following components and is shipped on dry ice unless specified otherwise below. Store the kit components at the specified temperature in designated pre-amplification and post-amplification areas.

Box 1, Pre-Amp
Reagent Description Storage
ACD1 Amplicon Control DNA 1 -25°C to -15°C
ACP1 Amplicon Control Oligo Pool 1 -25°C to -15°C
OHS2 Oligo Hybridization for Sequencing Reagent 2 -25°C to -15°C
ELM4 Extension Ligation Mix 4 -25°C to -15°C
PMM2 PCR Master Mix 2 -25°C to -15°C
TDP1 TruSeq DNA Polymerase 1 -25°C to -15°C
SW1 Stringent Wash 1 2°C to 8°C
UB1 Universal Buffer 1 2°C to 8°C
Barcode plate stickers for HYP, FPU, IAP Room temperature
Box 2, Pre-Amp

This box is shipped at room temperature. As soon as you receive your kit, remove LNB1 and store at 2°C to 8°C in the post-amplification area. The filter plate should remain in the pre-amplification area at room temperature.

Reagent Description Storage
LNB1 Library Normalization Beads 1 2°C to 8°C
Filter plate with lid Room temperature
Box 3, Post-Amp
Reagent Description Storage
HT1 Hybridization Buffer -25°C to -15°C
LNA1 Library Normalization Additives 1 -25°C to -15°C
LNW1 Library Normalization Wash 1 2°C to 8°C
LNS2 Library Normalization Storage Buffer 2 Room temperature
EBT Elution Buffer with Tris Room temperature
Barcode plate stickers for CLP, LNP, SGP, PAL, DAL Room temperature
Box 4, TruSight Myeloid Custom Amplicon Oligos Box
Reagent Description Storage
TSO TruSight Oligo Tube -25°C to -15°C