Improving outcomes with PGD

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) assesses embryos to help prevent the transmission of an inherited genetic disorder to children. If parents-to-be are concerned about passing on a genetic condition to their children due to known carrier status, personal history of a balanced reciprocal translocation, or a family history of a genetic condition, they may want to pursue PGD in conjunction with IVF.

Karyomapping, our rapid PGD solution for single gene disorders, provides an informative and reliable assay for couples interested in PGD.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Watch how couples concerned about the risk for their future children to inherit a genetic disorder can undergo IVF with PGD for most single-gene disorders.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: 25 years of changing lives
The benefits of preimplantation genetic diagnosis

By identifying IVF embryos that most likely do not carry a particular genetic disorder*, PGD can:

  • Enable the transfer of embryos most likely to be unaffected
  • Reduce a genetically at-risk couple’s chances of passing a known genetic condition onto their offspring1,2
  • Reduce the risk of miscarriage due to structural chromosomal abnormalities2,3
Karyomapping Identifies Disorder Contributing to IVF Failures

Karyomapping is an advanced PGD technique for informed IVF embryo selection. Scientists in China used karyomapping to identify balanced translocation carriers and chromosomal abnormalities in blastocysts. They discuss the potential for this technique to limit IVF failure due to translocations.

Read Interview
PGD method

Click on thebelow to view details about our single-gene condition diagnosis method.

Single-gene condition

A couple may be interested in PGD if they are concerned about passing on a known single-gene condition to their children due to one of the following reasons:

  • Known carrier status for one or both parents
  • Previous child or pregnancy affected with a single-gene condition
  • Family member with a single-gene condition
PGD for single gene disorders
Karyomapping: A New PGD Technique

Karyomapping screens embryos for single-gene conditions from a single embryonic cell. Embryos that have not inherited the defective gene can be identified and considered for transfer.*

Genetic screening with karyomapping offers:

  • Faster results due to an ultra-rapid workflow compared to current single tandem repeat (STR) technology4
  • Minimal preparation - no disease or patient-specific workup needed4
  • Wide coverage - available for use with most single-gene conditions4
  1. If both parents carry a mutation for cystic fibrosis, there is a 1 in 4 chance that their offspring will have the disease.
  2. Using knowledge of CF carrier or disease status in the parents, scientists can look at the chromosome segment in which the gene lies to determine from which parental chromosome the gene originated.
  3. Scientists can then determine whether the chromosome segment inherited by each embryo contains the normal or mutated copy of the CF gene.
  4. This helps determine whether the embryo inherited a single mutation from either parent and will be an unaffected carrier, whether the embryo inherited a mutation from each parent and will be affected with CF, or whether the embryo did not inherit any mutations. If the embryo is likely unaffected, it is considered to be a good candidate for transfer.
How Karyomapping Works
Health Care Professionals

We offer comprehensive PGD solutions for patients.

Clinical Labs

We offer comprehensive PGD solutions for labs.


*No test has 100% detection rate and/or 0% false positive rate. Each laboratory is responsible for establishing test performance.

  1. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Frequently asked questions about infertility. ReproductiveFacts.Org Website2016年4月4日通过。
  2. Fiorentino F, Spizzichino L, Bono S, et al. PGD for reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations using array comparative genomic hybridization. Hum Reprod. 2011;26(7):1925–1935.
  3. Ogilvie CM, Scriven PN. Meiotic outcomes in reciprocal translocation carriers ascertained in 3-day human embryos. Eur J Hum Genet. 2002;10(12):801–806.
  4. Natesan S, Bladon AJ, Coskun S, et al. Genome-wide karyomapping accurately identifies the inheritance of single-gene defects in human preimplantation embryos in vitro.Genet Med.2014;(January):1–8.
  5. Tobias, et al. Essential Medical Genetics, 6. 2011 Wiley-Blackwell.