
高通量下一代测序测试检测疑似COVID-19的病人SARS-COV-2并允许研究使用病毒基因组分析 读更多...

  • 精确度 :检测SARS-COV-298目标高精度检测
  • 综合性 :SARS-COV-2病毒RNA检测一致基因组请求病毒分析
  • 质量控制:搭建质量控件
  • 可软化性 :无缝端对端工作流温度规范允许使用不同的回温器
  • 可缩放性 :NovaSeq 600/NextSeq 2000或NextSeq 500/550Dx系统


Illuma CoV-2病毒RNA测试旨在检测授权国家* 和病毒基因组分析供研究使用透视SARS-COV-2菌株可跟踪病毒菌株。基于单值NGS测试包括2019-nCOV素数器,设计用SARS-COV-2病毒检测NA




工作流包括病毒RNA提取步骤、RNA对cDNA转换步骤、PCR、库编程、排序分析步骤和报告生成步骤关键组件包括高通量NovaSeq2000系统或NepSeq 500/550/550Dx系统,加之IllumaCOVIDSeq测试和DRAGENCOVIDSeq测试管道或DRAGENCOVIDSeq测试中心快速分析


Illuma CoVIDSeq测试利用经验证并公开提供Actica多功能PCR协议的修改版和98个mplicons设计增强SARS-COV-2病毒特例序列并加经证明Illuma测序技术质量特征包括由11人MRNA目标组成的内部控件测试报告一致性序列+90安普利科斯检测,使病毒基因组分析帮助跟踪研究环境中的病毒菌株





IllumaCOVIDSeq测试试管内NovaSeq2000测序系统诊断测试LextSeq 500测序系统、NextSeq550测序系统或NextSeq550Dx工具,目的是从Nasaryngealsswabs对SARS-COV-2RNA进行定性检测,Ooparyngealsswabs、前台Nasalswabs、中盘nasbs、Nasoparyngesh/aspirates、NasalAspiates


结果识别SARS-COV-2RNASARS-COV-2RNA一般在急性感染阶段可检测呼吸样正结果显示SARS-COV-2RNA临床关联病人历史和其他诊断信息对确定病人感染状况是必要的阳性结果并不排除细菌感染或与其他病毒并发美国及其领土内的实验室必须向主管卫生局报告所有正结果。 无效结果并不排除SARS-COV-2感染,不应作为病人管理决策的唯一基础

负结果必须结合临床观察、病人历史和流行病学信息Illuma COVIDSeq测试面向经专门培训的合格实验人员使用NovaSeq6,000定序系统、NextSeq2000定序系统、NextSeq500定序系统、NextSeq550定序系统或NextSeq550Dx工具以及下值定序工作流试管内诊断程序Illuma CoVIDSeq测试仅供食品药品管理局紧急使用授权使用





This test has been authorized by FDA under an emergency use authorization (EUA) for use as an in vitro diagnostic test for detection and/or diagnosis of COVID-19.

COVIDSeq can be used to perform strain typing for monitoring virus evolution and epidemiology.It can be used to report virus sequence in a clinical sample for Public Health and research applications.

The Illumina COVIDSeq test does not provide information on the role of specific mutations detected and its risk to reduced vaccine efficacy, impact on transmissibility, or impact on patient.

No, this test only detects SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19.

This test uses an amplicon approach for target resequencing of SARS-CoV-2.Consensus sequence is reported when +90 amplicons are detected.This information enables virus genome analysis for research use and provides insight into the SARS-CoV-2 strain present in the sample to help researchers track virus strains.

Emergency Use Authorization authorizes the FDA to facilitate the availability of an unapproved product, or an unapproved use of an approved product, during a declared state of emergency.When the state of emergency ends, the test is no longer authorized for clinical use and defaults to standard regulatory requirements.

Testing is limited to laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C.§263a, to perform high complexity tests.

More testing is necessary to control the global pandemic and return to work, school, and normal activities.However, there is a major shortage in COVID-19 testing-related products, and many clinical labs are facing capacity and resource constraints.COVIDSeq, leveraging highly scalable and accurate sequencing technology, is enabling labs to ramp up and diversify testing, contributing to improving testing capacity for COVID-19.

This product is intended for detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA in authorized countries (Canada, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and U.S.) under each country's respective authorizing agency.* Depending on the region and country, additional data may be required to enable COVIDSeq to be used as a diagnostic test.A级Research Use Only (RUO) version of this productis available for virus genome analysis for research use.


This assay is only authorized for use with NovaSeq 6000 v1.0 S4 and SP reagent kits, with NextSeq 2000, and with NextSeq 500, 550, 550Dx (in RUO mode) v2.5 HO reagent kit.Use of other systems and/or reagent kits would require independent validation and a separate Emergency Use Authorization submission.

This test is authorized for use with nasopharyngeal (NP), oropharyngeal (OP), and mid-turbinate (MT) nasal swabs.

Up to 384 samples can be loaded per lane on a NovaSeq S4 and SP flow cell for a total of 1536 samples per S4 flow cell and 768 per SP flow cell.Two flow cells can be run simultaneously for a total of 3072 or 1536 samples per run respectively.

Up to 384 samples per run on the NextSeq 2000.

Up to 384 samples can be loaded per HO flow cell.

Up to 384 unique dual indexes (IDT for Illumina PCR Indexes Sets 1-4) are available through Illumina.


Analysis is performed by the DRAGEN COVIDSeq Test Pipeline installed on the local DRAGEN server or by the DRAGEN COVIDSeq Test App on BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

A positive test result for COVID-19 indicates that RNA from SARS-CoV-2 was detected, and the patient is infected with the virus and presumed to be contagious.Laboratory test results should always be considered in the context of clinical observations and epidemiological data in making a final diagnosis and patient management decisions.Patient management should follow current CDC guidelines.

A negative test result for this test means that SARS-CoV-2 RNA was not present in the specimen above the limit of detection.However, a negative result does not rule out COVID-19 and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or patient management decisions.A negative result does not exclude the possibility of COVID-19.
