Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep

A high-performing, fast, and integrated workflow for sensitive applications such as human whole-genome sequencing.Read More...
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Illumina® DNA PCR-Free Prep, Tagmentation (24 Samples)



Illumina® DNA PCR-Free Prep, Tagmentation (96 Samples)



Illumina® DNA PCR-Free R1 Sequencing Primer



Illumina® DNA PCR-Free Sequencing and Indexing Primer


Index Adapters

IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set A, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)



IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set B, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)




Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep Training


Accessory Products
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Illumina® Lysis Kit



Illumina® Free Adapter Blocking Reagent (12 Reactions)



Illumina® Free Adapter Blocking Reagent (48 Reactions)


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Product Highlights

Illumina公司DNA PCR-Free图书馆提供flexibil做好准备ity for many whole-genome sequencing applications.

  • Fast, automatable workflow, with ~1.5 hours total time
  • Flexibility to accommodate variations in sample type, DNA input amount, and application
  • Optimized library prep performance, generating reliable results

Save Time and Resources
The Illumina DNA PCR-Free Library Prep Kit uses a fast, user-friendly workflow. On-Bead Tagmentation chemistry reduces total library prep time to ~1.5 hours, from DNA extraction to library normalization.

Simplify Lab Operations
The Illumina DNA PCR-Free workflow supports a broad DNA input range (25 ng to 300 ng), multiple sample types, and both small and large genomes. The workflow includes DNA extraction from blood, saliva, or dried blood spots.

You can use liquid-handling robots to automate workflows for minimal touch points and significant time savings.

Obtain Reliable Results
While accommodating various study requirements, the Illumina DNA PCR-Free workflow delivers consistent insert sizes, uniform coverage, and optimized performance, regardless of DNA input amount or genome size. The bead-based technology minimizes bias and opportunities for error, delivering accurate base calling and variant identification for a broad range of DNA input amounts.

Access Flexible Throughput Options
The IDT for Illumina - DNA/RNA UD Indexes Sets A, B, C, and D Indexes offer up to 384 unique dual indexing that enables accurate assignment of reads and efficient use of the flow cell. (Sets A and B are available now; Sets C and D are coming soon.) These unique dual index codes use 10 base pair codes. This change in base pair index codes require adjustments to the sequencing run setup.

Learn more about tagmentation technology

Frequently Purchased Together


Product Comparison

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep TruSeq DNA PCR-Free TruSeq DNA Nano Illumina DNA Prep
Assay Time ~ 1.5小时 5 hours total assay time ~6 hours total assay time ~3-4 hours (from DNA extraction to normalized library)
Automation Capability Liquid Handling Robots Liquid Handling Robots Liquid Handling Robots Liquid Handling Robots
Input Quantity 25 ng to 300 ng 1 ug DNA 100 ng genomic DNA Small genomes (e.g. microbial): 1-500 ng DNA. Large genomes (e.g. human): 100-500 ng DNA. (For blood and saliva, see the reference guide).
Mechanism of Action Bead-linked transposome Mechanical DNA fragmentation and adapter ligation. Workflow is PCR-free and gel-free. Mechanical DNA fragmentation and adapter ligation. Workflow uses reduced-bias PCR and is gel-free. Bead-linked transposome
Method De Novo Sequencing,Whole-Genome Sequencing Genotyping by Sequencing,Shotgun Sequencing,Whole-Genome Sequencing Genotyping by Sequencing,Shotgun Sequencing,Whole-Genome Sequencing Amplicon Sequencing,De Novo Sequencing,Shotgun Sequencing,Whole-Genome Sequencing
Multiplexing Up to 384-plex Up to 24 single, 96 combinatorial (CD) dual, 24 unique dual and 96 unique dual (UD) combinations (available soon) Up to 24 single, 96 combinatorial (CD) dual, 24 unique dual and 96 unique dual (UD) combinations (available soon) Up to 384 unique dual (UD) combinations and 96 combinatorial dual (CD) combinations
Nucleic Acid Type DNA DNA DNA DNA
Specialized Sample Types Blood, Low-Input Samples, Not FFPE-Compatible, Saliva Not FFPE-Compatible Low-Input Samples, Not FFPE-Compatible Blood, Not FFPE-Validated, Saliva


Supporting Data and Figures

An efficient solution for preparing and indexing sample libraries.

Illumina公司DNA PCR-Free化学

An efficient solution for preparing and indexing sample libraries.

Illumina DNA PCR-Free coverage uniformity

The Illumina DNA PCR-Free Library Prep Kit provides superior read coverage across the GC-rich promoter region of the humanRNPEPL1gene, as compared to TruSeq DNA PCR-Free and TruSeq DNA Nano Library Prep Kits. Read maps were visualized with the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) App, available in BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

Comparison of read coverage across GC-rich regions

Illumina DNA PCR-Free libraries prepared from a range of DNA inputs demonstrate (A) passing quality specifications for all DNA inputs and (B) equivalent callability performance. Q30 score = an inferred base call accuracy of 99.9%, autosome callability = the percentage of non-N reference positions in autosomal chromosomes with a passing genotype call, exon callability = the percentage of non-N reference positions in exons with a passing genotype call, SNPs = single nucleotide polymorphisms, indel = insertion-deletion mutation, precision (accuracy) = calculated as the ratio of [# of True Positive Calls/(# of True Positive Calls + # of False Positive Calls)], recall (sensitivity) = calculated as the ratio of [# of True Positive Calls/(# of True Positive Calls + # of False Negative Calls)]. Note: the lower limit sample input specifications for Illumina DNA PCR-Free have not been finalized.

Illumina DNA PCR-Free performance across a range of DNA inputs

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