Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep with Ribo-Zero Plus

Rapid library preparation from a broad range of sample types for studying the coding and non-coding transcriptome with unparalleled study flexibility.Read More...
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Library Prep

Illumina® Stranded Total RNA Prep, Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus (16 Samples)



Illumina® Stranded Total RNA Prep, Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus (96 Samples)



Index Adapters

IDT® for Illumina® RNA UD Indexes Set A, Ligation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)



IDT® for Illumina® RNA UD Indexes Set B, Ligation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)




Illumina Stranded Total RNA Library Prep Training


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Product Highlights

Illumina Total RNA Prep with Ribo-Zero Plus provides exceptional performance for the analysis of coding and multiple forms of noncoding RNA. Gain high-confidence discovery of alternative transcripts, gene fusions, and allele-specific expression.

Exceptional Performance

Illumina Total RNA Prep with Ribo-Zero Plus is based on TruSeq ligation technology, which has been cited in over 9,926 publications since 2011. This ligation method results in high coverage uniformity, precise strand information, and robust and reliable library preparation even from degraded samples.

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Flexibility for Many Study Designs

Illumina公司总RNA与Ribo-Zero + suppor预科ts a broad range of RNA inputs, from 1 ng to 1000 ng*. It’s compatible with variable sample types, including formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) and other low-quality samples. The included Ribo-Zero Plus removes abundant RNA from multiple species, including human, mouse, rat, bacteria, and epidemiology samples.

Find Compatible Species

Fast, Automation-friendly Workflow

Prepare libraries in as little as 7 hours. Illumina-qualified automation methods will be available soon through ourautomation partners.

Sequencing Scalability

Multiplex up to 384 samples and sequence in a single run. (Index Sets A and B are available now; Sets C and D are coming soon.) The number of samples sequenced per run depends on the throughput capacity of the sequencer.

*This input range is applicable to high-quality RNA. We recommend 10 ng input for best results and for FFPE or degraded samples.

Frequently Purchased Together


Project Recommendations

Instrument Recommended Number of Samples Read Length
NextSeq 550 System Mid output: 2
High output: 8
(基于50 m读取/样本)
2 × 75 bp
NextSeq 2000 System Whole Transcriptome Analysis:
8 (P2)-20 (P3) samples per run (based on 50M reads per sample)
2 × 75 bp
NovaSeq 6000 System Whole Transcriptome Analysis:
SP: 16
S1: 32
S2: 82
S4: 200
samples per run (based on 50M reads per sample)
2 × 75 bp

Product Comparison

Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep with Ribo-Zero Plus RN TruSeq困总A RN TruSeq困总A with Ribo-Zero Globin
Assay Time ~7 hours 11.5 hours 11.5 hours
Automation Capability Liquid Handling Robots Liquid Handling Robots Liquid Handling Robots
Content Specifications Captures coding RNA plus multiple forms of non-coding RNA Captures coding RNA plus multiple forms of non-coding RNA Captures coding RNA plus multiple forms of non-coding RNA
Description 对于whole-transcriptome sequencing studies of multiple sample types. Includes Ribo-Zero plus module for single-tube depletion of abundant transcripts from multiple species 对于whole-transcriptome sequencing studies. The Total RNA version depletes cytoplasmic rRNA while the Total RNA Gold version depletes cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA. 对于whole-transcriptome sequencing studies of blood-derived RNA. Depletes cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA plus globin mRNA.
Hands-On Time < 3 hours 5.5 hours 5.5 hours
Input Quantity 1-1000 ng total RNA for standard-quality RNA samples. 10ng total RNA minimum recommended for optimal performance and FFPE samples 0.1 – 1 ug high-quality total RNA. Lower-quality samples may require further optimization. 0.1 – 1 ug high-quality purified total RNA from blood
Mechanism of Action Enzymatic rRNA depletion, ligation-based addition of adapters and indexes Bead-based rRNA depletion, cDNA synthesis, and PCR Bead-based rRNA depletion, cDNA synthesis, and PCR
Method Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing
Multiplexing Up to 384 Unique Dual Indexes (UDIs) Low-throughput kits: Pool up to 12 samples. Or pool up to 24 samples with sets A and B together, High-throughput kits: Prepare 96 indexes samples using either combinatorial dual indexes or unique dual indexes (available soon) High-throughput kits: Prepare 96 indexes samples using either combinatorial dual indexes or unique dual indexes (available soon), Low-throughput kits: Pool up to 12 samples. Or pool up to 24 samples with sets A and B together
Species Category Bacteria, Human, Mouse, Rat, Virus Human, Mouse, Rat Human, Mouse, Rat
Technology Sequencing Sequencing Sequencing

Method-Specific Workflow Example

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