
Operating responsibly

Our role as a genomics pioneer brings with it the responsibility to enable innovation for good, ensuring that the technology we create and the data we collect are used safely, ethically, and responsibly

female board

female Board members

independent directors

independent Directors

racial ethnic representation

racial/ethnic representation on Board

Ilumina Meeting Room with people

Corporate governance

We are committed to conducting ourselves with honesty, integrity, and respect for all. Our role as a genomics pioneer brings responsibility to enable innovation for good, ensuring that the technology we create and the data we collect are used safely, ethically, and responsibly. We focus on strong corporate governance and ethical leadership to create a safe, supportive environment for employees, partners and customers.

Our culture of compliance and ethics begins with Illumina’s Board of Directors. We also seek guidance from our Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) on a range of strategic issues including recommendations on emerging ethics matters, policies, and regulations that are relevant to the genomics industry.


Meet our Ethics Advisory Board

Illumina Lab

Compliance and business ethics

At Illumina, we are at the forefront of the evolution of genomics from pure research toin vitrodiagnostic (IVD) medical devices. With this evolution, we operate in the ever-changing, highly regulated IVD market and often interact with health care professionals and government officials, representatives, and agencies that regulate the markets in which we do business.

Illumina is committed to high standards of ethical business conduct, including compliance with all applicable anti-bribery/corruption and anti-kickback laws, as well as relevant medical device industry codes. Based on this commitment, Illumina has adopted a Code of Conduct and implements a robust anti-corruption compliance program aimed at ensuring that every employee has the knowledge and awareness to operate appropriately in this market.

Illumina公司建立了合规委员会direct and oversee our compliance activities, including administration of the Code of Conduct and compliance program. We provide annual training on our Code of Conduct and Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policies for all employees globally and more focused training on other compliance-related policies.

We encourage our employees to raise concerns to their managers, HR, and the Compliance Department directly and have established a third-party Compliance and Fraud Prevention Hotline that Illumina employees and third parties may use to report concerns anonymously. We track and respond to all compliance concerns raised, acting promptly to identify offenses and take corrective action when necessary while observing a strict non-retaliation policy.

Read our Code of Conduct

Public policy

To help expand access and reach of genomics, we proactively and responsibly engage policymakers and key stakeholders around the world on issues that are important to our mission and business. In accordance with our Code of Conduct, we commit to upholding compliance and ethics in our dealings with governments, government agencies and public officials. We are dedicated and committed to expanding access to the power of genomics to patients across the globe through constructive and transparent engagement with governments.

Advocating for public policies that ensure and enable broad access to genomic technologies is a priority. Our legislative priorities:

  • Advancement of precision medicine
  • Adoption and reimbursement for genetic testing
  • Adoption and reimbursement for NIPT
  • Adoption of genomic infectious disease surveillance
  • Promoting STEM opportunities

View Our Annual Political Activity Report

Download the Political Contribution Policy

Business people around a laptop

Human rights

Integrity and fairness are central to our values, and how we operate in the workplace and the marketplace. We acknowledge and respect the fundamental principles contained in both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Global Compact. As a United Nations Global Compact signatory, we have integrated the Universal Declaration of Human Rights into our strategy, culture, and operations. Our Human Rights Policy includes: elimination of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking; maintaining a safe workplace; and equal opportunity and non-discrimination. We believe that genomic technologies should be used to benefit humanity, and we only work with partners who support and advance this mission.

View our Human Rights Policy

Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable Culture

Ethical use of genomics

Illumina is steadfast in our commitment that genomic technologies be used to benefit humanity, and we will only work with partners who support and advance this mission. Our Human Rights Policy and customer agreements outline our expectations regarding ethical business conduct and the use of our technology, and the steps we can take in the event of a possible violation. 

We have expanded and enhanced our oversight and accountability processes to monitor and enforce these commitments and prevent sales that could result in misuse or human rights concerns before they happen. Illumina is committed to investigating potential reports of product misuse and will not hesitate to cease sales to business partners in the event of a confirmed ethics or human rights concern.

Business people around a tablet

Data privacy and security

Genomics data is powering positive progress around the world. Our technologies and services inherently involve handling large amounts of genomic and health data that must be protected, making cybersecurity integral to achieving our company mission. As we expand access to genomics around the world, we must also ensure that the resulting data is respected and properly secured.

We are committed to developing, upholding, and promoting the highest standards for genomic data privacy. Our Privacy Policy defines the way we use, maintain, protect, disclose, and transfer personal information.


Lab Technician

Artificial intelligence
ethics principles

Illumina creates and uses artificial intelligence (AI) systems to power industry-leading sequencing quality, fuel data insights, improve understanding of genomic variation in relation to health and disease and to advance genomic science. We are committed to developing and using AI systems according to applicable laws and the following guiding principles: transparency, diversity, non-discrimination and fairness, values driven design, and accountability.

View AI Ethics Principles

Responsible supply chain

我们认为这关键业务与增刊liers who share our commitment to integrity, and who support an ethical and compliant culture. We approach our supply chain as partners in our effort to work toward a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

We hold our suppliers to the same standards of business conduct that we set for ourselves. We require them to comply with the standards of behavior outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct and exhibit social responsibility and environmental stewardship.

Our supplier diversity efforts aim to cultivate a supplier base that reflects the diversity of our communities, customers, employees, and the local economies where we operate. We recognize that a diverse supplier base provides a competitive business advantage by harnessing suppliers’ unique experiences and creative solutions.

View Supplier Code of Conduct

2030 Supply Chain Goals
Most Trusted


Most Trusted

strategic suppliers commit to reducing environment footprint