HiSeq Analysis Software v2.1 Computing Requirements


HiSeq Analysis Software v2.1 requires the CentOS 6 operating system with the standard set of included libraries, which are indicated in the RPM installer. HiSeq Analysis Software also requires the R statistical package, which is not specified in the RPM. For R statistical package installation procedures and a complete list of dependencies, see theHiSeq Analysis Software v2.1 User Guide.



Illumina建议使用以下架构来分析来自Hiseq x十系统的数据。该建议不包括档案存储。

  • 有弹性的NAS CIFS和NFS服务的解决方案
    • 至少具有100 TB可用存储容量,性能> 2 GB / s。为了在分析后保留数据,需要额外的容量。
    • Multiple 10 Gb or 40 Gb network links
  • Resilient 10 Gb network
  • 26 servers, each with the following:
    • Dual 10 Core CPUs each at 2.8 GHz
    • 128 GB 1867 MHz内存
    • 6 TB useable local storage capacity with performance > 500 MB/s
    • 10 GB/sec ethernet adapters